
Dashing Martial Arts & Sports Society Pakistan-International ( Since-1997)

Green Belt

Green Belt

1. Pumza (50 Marks) 

  • Taegeuk Sam Jang (25 Marks)
  • Taegeuk Sa Jang (25 Marks) 

2. Kyorugi (120 Marks)

  • 12 Techniques of attack and defend

3. Hosinsul (150 Marks)

  • 15 Techniques to free yourself from lock

4. Kicks (50 Marks)

  • Dollyo Chagi, Mumdolyo Chagi, Dwi Chagi, Twimyo Bandal Chagi, Nara Chagi

5. Blocks (25 Marks)

  • Sonnal Arae Makgi, Sonnal Momtong Makgi, Sonnal Olgulul Makgi, Bakkat Makgi, An Makgi

6. Breaking (75 Marks)

  • Two Bricks with hand
  • Two Bricks with head
  • One Brick with arm

7. Fight (50 Marks)

  • Two rounds of 2 minutes

8. Physical Fitness (100 Marks)

  • 500 Steps running in 2 Minutes (20 Marks), Long roll, Helicopter spin, Long jump, High jump, Jump from height, 20 push-ups (20 Marks), 60 different kicks in 1 minute

9. Nunchaku (30 Marks)

  • 10 Techniques

10. Knowledge about Martial Arts (50 Marks)

  1. When Choi Hong-hi introduced Taekwondo? (5 Marks) Ans: In 1955.
  2. Who started Taekwondo in Pakistan and when? (5 Marks) Ans: Saleem Jahangir in 1971.
  3. Who formed the first martial arts club in Pakistan, when and where? (5 Marks) Ans: Javed Mughal in Lahore.
  4. Who forms the second martial art club in Pakistan and where? (5 Marks) Ans: Ashraf Tai in Karachi.
  5. Where is the headquarter of Taekwondo and what is its name? (5 Marks) Ans: Kukkiwon in Korea.
  6. Who is called Grand Master? Tell me some names of Grand Masters in Pakistan? (7 Marks) Ans: Ashraf Tai, Najam Khan, Rizwan Mustafa Zubairi, Zulfiqur Ali Zulfi, Naveed Mahmood, Malik Iftikhar Ahmed, Muhammad Sarwar Rana.
  7. Highest Award of Martial Arts? (3 Marks) Ans: Hall of Fame.
  8. Requirements for DMASS Tiger Warrior, DMASS Dragon Warrior and DMASS King of the Ring? (15 Marks) Ans: Blue Tiger Warrior (60 fights won), Red Tiger Warrior (70 fights won), Black Tiger Warrior (80 fights won), Golden Tiger Warrior (100 fights won), Blue Dragon Warrior (110 fights won), Red Dragon Warrior (120 fights won), Black Dragon Warrior (130 fights won), Golden Dragon Warrior (150 fights won). A player who won at least 45 matches out of 50 called DMASS King of the Ring.

Note: A candidate should score 550 out of 700 to pass the test.

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