1. Pumza (40 Marks)
- Taegeuk Il Jang (20 Marks)
- Taegeuk E Jang (20 Marks)
2. Kyorugi (60 Marks)
- 6 Techniques of attack and defend
3. Hosinsul (80 Marks)
- 8 Techniques to free yourself from lock
4. Kicks (50 Marks)
- Bandal Chagi, Ap Chagi, Yop Chagi, Naeryo Chagi (Out+In)
5. Blocks (20 Marks)
- Arae Makgi, Momtong Makgi, Eolgul Makgi
6. Breaking (45 Marks)
- One Brick with hand
- One Brick with head
- One Brick on abdomen
7. Fight (25 Marks)
- One round of 2 minutes
8. Physical Fitness (90 Marks)
- 300 Steps running in 50 seconds, Front roll, Bridge, Long jump, High jump, Jump from height, 15 push-ups, Crow pose, 45 different kicks in 1 minute
9. Nunchaku (15 Marks)
- 5 Techniques
10. Knowledge about Martial Arts (50 Marks)
- What is Martial Arts? Tell me some names of popular Martial Arts? (5 Marks) Ans: Martial arts are systems of training for combat and self-defense that also promote physical and mental well-being. Taekwondo, Karate, Judo, Kung Fu, Muay Thai etc.
- What is the meaning of Taekwondo? Which country's game is this and who is the founder of Taekwondo? (10 Marks) Ans: "Tae" means foot, "Kwon" means fist, and "Do" means way or art. Taekwondo originated in South Korea. Founder of Taekwondo is General Choi Hong-hi.
- Counting 1 to 10 in Korean? Who is called Master in Taekwondo? (10 Marks) Ans: Ha-na, Dool, Set, Net, Das-sut, Yuh-sut, Il-gop, Yuh-dul, Ah-hop, Yul. A person having 4th DAN or more than it, called Master.
- DMASS stands for? When it was established? Names of some Masters of DMASS? (10 Marks) Ans: DMASS stands for Dashing Martial Arts & Sports Society. It was established in 1997. Some Masters of DMASS are Master Muhammad Anees Sarwar, Master Manzoor Hussain, Master Rana Khalil, Master Nasir Ahmed Sadiq, Master Malik Aamir Iqbal, Master Rana Irfan, Master Rao Abdul Jabbar, Master Rana Shakeel, Master Muhammad Ahmed Sarwar, Master Asad Ullah Khan etc.
- What do you know about DMASS Eagle Warriors? (5 Marks) Ans: Blue Eagle Warrior (won 10 fights), Red Eagle Warrior (won 20 fights), Black Eagle Warrior (won 30 fights), Golden Eagle Warrior (won 50 fights).
- How many and what color belts are in Taekwondo? (5 Marks) Ans: White, Yellow, Green, Blue, Red, Red Senior, Black.
- In human body which points are good to attack? (5 Marks) Ans: Eyes, Nose, Jaw, Throat, Solar Plexus, Groin, Knees etc.
Note: A candidate should score 400 out of 475 to pass the test.
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